Peak torque: 25 Nm, useful angular stroke: ±45° - analog / digital
Peak torque: 26 Nm, mechanical stroke: ±50° - digital
Peak torque: 6 Nm, Useful Angular Stroke: ±45°, Weight: 0.4 kg - Digital
Peak torque: 26 Nm, mechanical stroke: ±50° - analog
Peak torque: 100 Nm, mechanical stroke: ±30°
Peak torque: 10 Nm, mechanical stroke: ±50°
Motor & Gear with Clutch

The CSA-0508 was developed to be used in airborne applications. It consists of a 3 phase bipolar brushless DC servo motor* with nominal operational voltage of 48 VDC, a reduction transmission gear and a one time pyrotechnically activated clutch. It does not include electronics.
* available for sale as an independent unit.


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